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Обложка Natufe O. Igho Russian Foreign Policy: In Search of Lost Influence Обложка Natufe O. Igho Russian Foreign Policy: In Search of Lost Influence
Id: 203190
21.9 EUR

Russian Foreign Policy:
In Search of Lost Influence

URSS. 304 с. (English). ISBN 978-5-396-00709-3.
Белая офсетная бумага
  • Мягкая обложка


Written by Russian politics and international relations specialist Igho Natufe, Russian Foreign Policy: In Search of Lost Influence is a critical analysis of Russian foreign policy since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. It examines the challenges facing Russia as it grapples with the tasks of re-establishing itself as a global power in a new international environment where most of its former allies in both the defunct Soviet Union and the ...(Подробнее)Warsaw Treaty Organization have either joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Union (EU), or seeking closer economic ties with the United States, the EU, and China.

The book evaluates the pitfalls of Soviet policies under Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the struggle of Russia to formulate a new foreign policy in dealing with its “near abroad” and the global community. The Ukraine Crisis provided a testing ground for Russian foreign policy as it challenged the US and its western allies for a sphere of influence in Ukraine. Natufe provides a balanced analysis on Russian, Chinese, US, and EU policies in Ukraine, and in the “post- Soviet space” in a manner yet to be demonstrated by other scholars.

Academics, students and those interested in foreign policy and international politics will find Russian Foreign Policy: In Search of Lost Influence a well-researched, thorough study of Russian contemporary foreign policy.

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Table of contents Об авторе

Table of contents
Chapter One. The Collapse of the Soviet Union
 1.Mikhail Gorbachev’s Policies
 2.Debating the Policies
 3.Consequences of Policies
Chapter Two. “Domestic” Environment
 1.Conceptual Base of Russian Foreign Policy
 2.The “Post-Soviet Space”
Chapter Three. The Struggle for Influence in the “Post-Soviet Space”
 1.Russia Seeks Integration
 2.US Seeks to Fill Void
 3.China in Contention
Chapter Four. The Ukraine Crisis
 1.Prelude to Crisis
 2.The Crisis
 3.Resolving the Crisis: Which Way Ukraine?

Chapter Five. In Lieu of a Conclusion
 1.In Quest of Lost Influence
 2.Path to Influence Restoration
Select Bibliography

Об авторе
photoNatufe O. Igho
A specialist on Soviet and Russian foreign policy, is a Professor of Political Science at the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

He was educated at the People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow; Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada where he obtained his Doctorate degree. He taught Political Science and International Relations at Canadian, Ghanaian, and Nigeria universities. He is a retired Senior Policy Advisor with the Government of Canada where he served for almost 30 years between 1970–1978 and 1989–2011. During his tenure with the Government of Canada, his portfolios included Soviet Circumpolar Policies, International Relations, International Trade and the Environment, in three different departments of the Government of Canada.

He has published extensively on Soviet/Russian politics, African politics, international relations, and governance. He is the author of “Soviet Policy in Africa: From Lenin to Brezhnev”, and co-editor (with Khristina Turyinskaya) of “Federalism in Africa: Problems and Perspectives”. Igho is an avid sportsman and has coached football at different levels in Nigeria and Canada for the past four decades.

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